Our book "Gangwechsel" is on the market. See it Rezensionen
We were on TV (zibb 26.07.2010)
Geocaching for Cyclists (ADFC Radwelt 02/11)
A life with Koga
On Tandem Cycling (ADFC Radwelt 01/11)
Stefan Meinhold - My Koga Signature
Julia Meinhold - My Koga Signature
Bankerbiker on Iceand (Confideo News)
Bookcorner - Worldtour with Tandem (RADtouren 06/10)
Eyjafjallajökull(X-Press September 2010)
Bears and Mosquitos (FAZ 30.09.2010)
Gangwechsel(Der Trotter 10/2010)
Traveller-Team Meinhold (Green Mobility 01/2010)
Live on air at Bürgerfunk Herten.
Listen to it (Note, 45 minutes, takes long to download):
Tandem-Worldtour (Cortal Consors Magazin 03/2010)
We have lived our dream (Lea 08.09.2010)
Panorama Bookcorner (FORUM 03/2010)
New Books (Trekkingbike 04/2010)
Far far away (WAZ 03.08.2010)
Tandem World Tour (Hertener Allgemeine Zeitung 29.07.2010)
Reading with Winetasting (jaques 01.07.2010)
Video from HR-TV (Maintower, Sendung vom 28.05.2010)
Around the globe via tandem (Verdener Aller-Zeitung 27.05.2010)
Cycling together (Berner Zeitung 14.05.2010)
Gangwechsel at active woman
The journey (ADFC Radwelt 02/10)
Live on air at Radio Bremen 4 "Weltweit".
Listen to it:
Cycling along (Mix am Mittwoch 05.05.2010)
A couple in love, a tandem and three continents (Hertener Allgemeine Zeitung 29.04.2010)
Travelling notes - Saddle up (X-Press April 2010)
04.04.2010 on the radio at HR1 "GLOBE".
Teil 1:
Teil 2:
Teil 3:
Julia and Stefan at the Spezi fair in Germersheim (fitness and training)
Delius Klasing ADvertisement - Adventure (Trekkingbike April 2010)
Gangwechsel (vitaport - das Gesundheitsportal)
Cycling sun glasses by Brillen-Schick
Again on air at RPR1 in "My Adventure".
Teil 1:
Teil 2:
Teil 3:
Teil 4:
Teil 5:
Teil 6:
Teil 7:
Teil 8:
Teil 9:
Teil 10:
Teil 11:
Gangwechsel in DWS active Magazine (Ausgabe 2/2010)
Report by the cycling club Buer about our book
We are in the Globetrotter handbook, p. 308/309.
Hamburg Globetrotter "Travelers Tales"
Experience with E-Werk from Busch & Müller
Koga News: ARRIVED!
Weltenbummler (Hertener Allgemeine Zeitung 23.08.2009)
Opvouwbare tandem met superversnelling
Rohloff News
08.03.2009 German Radio Bremen 4 "Worldwide".
Listen to us:
Teil 2:
We were on German radio on 06.03.2009.
Listen to us: |
Bit by bit around the globe (Trekkingbike 02/09)
Julia has won a prize as on of the best travel story writers 2008. The book will be presented at the bookfair in Frankfurt on the 19th of October.
Thank you all for voting for her!
After the party is before the party (DWS active - Online Journal)
Magura Advertisement Bankerbiker (Aktiv Radfahren 08/2008)
An explosive topic (DWS active - Online Journal)
Couple ends spin around the world (Daily Interlake 12.07.2008)
Twist of ankle on the Pilgrim`s Route (Hertener Allgemeine Zeitung 31.07.2008)
Julia is in a competition for the best travel writing 2008, please vote for us!
Mexiko (vitaport)
Bye, Bye Plastic Bag (DWS active - Online Journal)
Open Road Gallery, Teil 1 (Adventure Cyclist Magazine)
Open Road Gallery, Teil 2 (Adventure Cyclist Magazine)
Bargain Hunters (DWS active - Online Journal)
Not Built on Sand (DWS active - Online Journal)
Nearly Touching Moby Dick (Hertener Allgemeine Zeitung 22.03.2008)
Mexiko - A CHallenged Star (DWS active - Online Journal)
Song of the Spokes (ADFC Radwelt 02/08)
California Dreaming (DWS active - Online Journal)
Around the world by tandem (Hertener Allgemeine Zeitung 09.02.2008)
We were on air again February,10th at Radio RPR. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Online soon!
The Choice is Yours (DWS active - Online Journal)
We were on air (01/16/08). Listen to us here:
mp3 Part 1 mp3 Part 2 mp3 Part 3
We were live on TV again on SAT1 (12/19/07).
See us here: |
Review of a worldtour by tandem (KONTOAUSZUG III 2007 - Netzwerk Nachrichten)
Does money grow on trees? (DWS active - Online Journal)
By bicycle through the desert (vitaport)
New: Adventures in Alaska and Yukon (Julia as author without borders)
Live your dream (Magura catalogue 2008, Hydraulic Brakes) |
Global Warming (DWS active - Online Journal)
Couple bikes around the world (The Daily Inter Lake, Montana 09/21/2007) |
Following the gold path (Customer Magazine DWS 2/2007) |
Tracking the Phenomenon Gold (DWS active - Online Journal)
Mud and Bears (vitaport - the Health Portal)
Quite Hot - Part 1 of At the Spot Series (Customer Magazine DWS 1/2007) |
From Banker to Biker (aktiv Radfahren Online Magazin)
Bankerbiker - Sometimes one only has to do it (activewoman 4/2007)
Expedition through the Highlands of Iceland with a Mountain-Bike (Stefan as Author without Borders)
Listen to it |
It's a Long Way (New Zealand Newspaper 05/03/2007)
By Tandem around the World (Brillen-Schick Customer Magazine)
Betweeen Sheep and Icebergs (dbnetwork 27.02.2007)
Around the world by velo - Last Exit to Adventure (ADFC Radwelt 1/07) |
On January the 2nd 2007 we were on screen at SAT1 17.30 Live.
Watch the Video here:  |
With tandem and tent around the world (Frankfurter Rundschau 31.12.2006)
On Dec 21st 2006 we were on air at Pop und Weck, the morningshow on hr3.
mp3 Teil 1
mp3 Teil 2
mp3 Teil 3
BankerBiker (X-Press Dezember 2006 German)
Around the World by Tandem (forum Dezember 2006 - English Version)
From Continet to Continent by Tandem (dbnetwork 23.12.2006 German)
Adventure Cycling Organisation: TANDEM WORLD TOUR 2007-2011
Aktiv Radfahren: Tandem versus Treadmill: From Banker to Biker
Vote for us!
Activewoman: From Banker to Biker - With the Tandem Koga Twintraveller on a round the world trip
Vote for us!
On Nov, 15th 2006 we were on screen at SAT1 17.30 Live.
Watch our first TV-Video by Heiko Weiler:  |
Around the World by Tandem (German FAZ 26.10.2006)
Atlantic to Pazific – by Bicycle (German, WAZ)
Iceland – Rough beauty of a sparse country (German, Buersche Zeitung)
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